Oxford The New Grammar Tree Class 1 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Oxford University Press
- Author: Indranath Guha & Kavita Guha
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.310
Rs.285 Upto 8% off

Description :
Oxford Publication The New Grammar Tree (Revised) Books for Class 1 As per CBSE new syllabus is the latest revised and updated edition of the series, based on user feedback.It caters to the need fora graded, rule-based grammar course with extensive explanations and practice to help learners master the basics of English grammar.
- Series revised in the light of the current ICSE and CBSE syllabi and new topics introduced
- Step-by-step gradation of grammar topics for easy assimilation of concepts
- Small, manageable units to help teachers and learners navigate through grammar concepts smoothly
- A friendly, conversational tone for explanations and rules with reference to instances from everyday life
- Revision and recapitulation of grammar topics
- Each topic followed by a variety of exercises that include drills and context-based tasks
- Highlighting of exceptions to rules, common errors and important points
- Focus on spelling, with word lists in Books 1 to 3
- Tests to assess learners’ understanding of concepts
- Comprehension chapters to foster reading skills and to show the use of grammar in context
- Composition chapters structured to help learners write independently in different formats
Tags: Oxford The New Grammar Tree Class 1 | Latest Edition, Indranath Guha & Kavita Guha, Class-1
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